#10- Wild card

For my wild card I wanted to talk about something that most people will not and that is mentally health and my story since it is mental health awareness month. Now people have been more open to talking about their mental health but still to this day people are uncomfortable talking about it and that's fine. I used to be very uncomfortable when it came to mental health and how I was feeling. I didn't really understand how important it actually was until I was in a dark hole that I couldn't get out of by myself. I was forced to come out of my comfort zone and tell someone what I was thinking in my brain. I have depression has a lot of people do but I didn't want to admit to it because I didn't want people to look at me different or think I was just the "sad friend". Although it didn't look like I had depression because I was always happy and smiling around the people when I got alone I would cry myself to sleep most nights and I had very dark thoughts...