#9- Classmate Blog Critique

 One of the blogs that I enjoyed reading and caught myself looking at very often was Greta Wallin. Her way of making her work look so good like is it effortless is something that I like about her. All of her post catch my eye just because of that. I love pink and everything sparkly so her theme for her page was something I couldn't run from but kinda wished I wouldn't have used the them she did. All of her post are so well put together and is just a eye pleaser, I suggest looking and reading her post because I learn something about every time that I look at her post. 

One of my favorite post of her is the Adverting Analysis. Her visuals are so interesting to me and very pretty mind I add. This is one of the post on her page where I learned the most I think beaus I had no idea that there was a big lipstick getting sent around as PR. This was the first time that I had saw a PR package like that, that didn't have anything in it for the people that was sent it. Normally PR package are for the people to try the product out but there was nothing to try. All there was for the people to try was a lip liner.  

If you think about it like Greta said it is actually a really smart thing to do because now people will want to buy the lipsticks for themselves with their own money. I just thought that the whole thing was usually but cool at the same time. 

A link to Greta's blog 



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