#4- Advertising Analysis

Advertising Is Dead. Long Live Advertising. | Mint
We all know what advertising is and we all know what gets our attention and makes us what to buy whatever it is that they are advertising. Advertisements are ways for the brand, businesses , or people to get their names out there for potential customers. the most common way to adverts is on TikTok because people are not watching cable tv anymore and everyone and there little sister is on TikTok. 

I think to be what makes a good advertisement is bright colors and something that is different that we might not have seen before. Whenever I did with cable always payed attention to the ads that had a catchy song with it and I would always sing with the ad and the food place would always be in my head and I would find myself wanting to eat there because I couldn't get the dang song out of my head. 

The companies that I think are the best at this might be fast food. I think the fast food advertisement is some of the best advertising ever in my opinion. I think the main one that got my attention is Chick-Fil-A. I love the fact that the cows are in almost all of the ads that we have out. I think that the cow are so cute but yet it doesn't make me sad to think that am eating them. Also another one that I like is McDonald's, their catchy song was always in my head like I said before and that would push me to ask my mom or dad if we could get McDonald's anything we were out and I was hungry. another catchy song that I caught myself always singing was the Red Rodin song. Now I have never ate at Red Rodin before I don't think but when I would watch cable back when we had cable their commercial would come on and I would always sing it. Even if I was in the bathroom and the tv was in my room. I would always hear it and sing it. 

Chick-Fil-A commercial 

Red Robin commercial 

One thing that I think that makes for good advertisement is for the people that are creating the ads and things like that, that they are creative and very open minded. I know that if an ad comes up and it looks boring I am going to get on my phone and not even pay attention to the ad. For example when I was watching the Super Bowl one of the commercials that catch my eye was the one with BeyoncĂ© and version. I think it mainly catch my eye because you don't see BeyoncĂ© like that anymore because she is more of a low-key artist. I don't even use version but you best believe I watched the whole thing. 

I think that overall advertisement can vary when it comes to what the people like and what they don't like. A lot of companies will spend a lot of money to make sure that their advertisements are different and something that the people would like and watch. 


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