#7- Binge Watching

The Streaming era has changed everything about the way people view television. You no longer have to wait for new episode of your favorite show because many entrainment companies are releasing entire seasons and series of shows at once. Binge watching - the act of streaming any television episodes in one sitting - is become more and more common with all the streaming options available to consumers, including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video, among others. You can stream these services on your television or on another electronic device, such as a laptop, tablet or cell phone which make it very easy for us to watch shows anywhere and everywhere. 

 Everyone has binged watched something in their life time. Binge watching is something so very common to do now a days and I love it.  I did not get into binge watching until 2020 because of the lock down. There are a lot of good shows out there to watch whenever you are bored or just up at night and not yet tired yet. There are a lot of things that I enjoy to watch during my day. I am a person that likes to watch the same thing all over again just because I like to know what is going to happened before it happens so I really don't watch new things just for that reason.  

Some shows that I love to binge watch are normal shows that I have already watch before just because I know what is going on or if I miss the people in the show. One of the shows that I tend to watch more than normal is the show called " the office". The office ha always been my favorite show I watch when I need to feel some comfort. I have watched the office more times than I can count on my fingers and that is a lot because it has 9 seasons total about all of the episodes are 30 mins long. 

I think I really like the office because of how funny and corny it is. the show itself starts off very slow but once you get into it, the show starts to become fast pace and very entertaining. I am a girl that loves a good love story and the office has that for me. Jim and Pam have of the most realistic love story that I am seen on a tv show. in the beginning  Jim had been involve with pam for a while now but pam has had a fiancĂ© for about 2 years now. Pam has always known that she liked Jim but doesn't act on it until Jim kisses her making her call of the wedding. when episodes  later they tell us that they are dating but we kinda already know that because the cameras have been secretly been watching them. Overall I think that the office is a great show to watch and if you can get past the slow parts of the show then you are really going to love it as much as I do. 

another series that I really enjoyed watching was the Netflix series "one day". One day is a British romantic drama based on the 2009 novel by David Nicholls. it follows the 20 year old relationship of Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew, who meet at a graduation ball after graduating from the University of Edinburgh. Is it only 1 season of this show but it has 14 episodes with most of them being 30 mins long. What I really like about is show is that it shows you that if you love someone then tell them. it shows you that life is too short to wait because you never know when your last day on earth will be. 

Emma and Dexter had been friend for 20 years and although Emma knew she liked Dexter, Dexter didn't realize he liked Emma until it was too late and they really didn't get to live the life they had wished. Dexter was a play boy and was know for sleeping around when mostly everyone in the school and when he saw Emma that is what he wanted for her but she just wanted to talk to him. That is what made her different from all the other girls and that is why they became friends. although they couldn't see that they were perfect for each other us as the watcher saw that they really only needed each other.  

Now I like the show because once again it has everything to do with love and I love that. It is also very reelable in this time of day. A lot of people miss opportunities with the people that could make them the happiest because of pride and ego. A lot of people waste time with other people because they don't want to get rejected by the person they want the most. I even find myself going to other people because I am so afraid of rejection itself so I go to people that I know will not reject me. it is a habit that I think everyone has and this series made me and I hope a lot of other people realize that we just need to stop letting our ego get in the way of our happiness . 


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