#2- Programming Trends

 I feel like in today's time the trends are always changing. A lot of trending things can change over night epically with clothes and make up trends. I know TikTok is how I always know what is trends and what is not trending anymore. Sometimes I think that something that I see on TikTok should be tending but it just reached the wrong type of audience. 

Like I said TikTok is the main way that I find out if things are trending or not. Most of the time TikTok is how I find different things to watch on any streaming app. Lately my For You Page has been all about "Bojack horseman" on Netflix . They show really caught my eye because some of the things he was saying made me feel like I was him. Netflix has a lot of other shows that I love to watch but "Bojack Horseman" is a show that I first saw on TikTok. I get a lot the movies that I watch from TikTok. My roommate will always find a movie for us to watch and the last movie that we watch was "Nowhere" and it was a great movie just had a big cliff hanger in my opinion.   


Netflix has a lot of things to watch that are actually good and worth sitting down and watching. I am a person that hates watching new movies because I never know if I am going to like it or not and I hate getting my time wasted. But there hasn't been a movie on Netflix that I have watched that wasn't good. Like most streaming platforms Netflix comes with a price. Standard with ads is $6.99, Standard without ads is $15.49, and Premium is $22.99 a month. I think that I just have the Standard but I don't know if I have the Standard with or without ads. I have never seen an ad before when I am watching Netflix but I also don't pay for my Netflix subscription. 

Fire stick is another great streaming deceive that any one can use. I first got into fire stick whenever my father told me that isn't paying for cable anymore and he just gave every tv in the house a fire stick. I never watched the cable anyways when I was at home so him getting a fire stick for me and the rest of my family was a really good design on his part. With the price stick I can get on any streaming service without any problems. whenever I do feel like watching tv the fire stick makes is really easy for me to pick whatever it is I want to watch. 


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