# 1 - Personal Media Habits

 I am on my phone at all times of the day. I am very dependent on my phone and social media to get me though the day. I catch myself on TikTok, Netflix and Facebook all the time throughout the day. Now that I think about it the three forms of media that I use daily and very time consuming and I have to be careful that it doesn't take up my whole day. I always find myself staying up later than I would have liked to at night because TikTok has consumed me. 

TikTok is my most used media app that I have on my phone and I find myself just getting on TikTok. TikTok is one of the last media app I get on at night and one of the first thing I get on in the morning. I think I like TikTok so much because it has so many different genera of videos on there. Usually I am on the makeup and skincare side of TikTok. Most of the things that I use on my face for my skin care has came for TikTok. I am also on smell good TikTok. I actually just got a new perfume because TikTok had influenced me to get it. It is called "pumpkin pecan waffles" and it smell so good. 

Netflix is my comfort app. I get on Netflix when I shower, when I am getting dress after the shower, when I am trying to do homework , when I am doing my hair or my nails. Netflix had one of my favorite show called "The Office". That was my first show that I have ever watched over 30 times. They have took " The Office" off of Netflix but I have found a new comfort show. My new comforts show is called "Bridgerton" and " Queen Charlotte". I have been watching those two shows ever since Queen Charlotte came out. I made the mistake of watching Queen Charlotte first but now I know what happened so it docent matter.  I have also been obsessed with love and finding love so Queen Charlotte and Bridgerton was right up my ally.   

Facebook is my guilty pleasure. I get on Facebook to look at what my mom has tagged my in and to go on the marketplace. I will never buy anything from Facebook marketplace but I love to see the thing that they have to offer. There are so really cute things on there too. They have everything from cars, to shoes, to makeup, to furniture, clothes and even phone, computers, Ipad, apple watches. They have some really cute things on there that I have wanted to buy  before but I know that I will never buy anything off of Facebook Marketplace, but that's not going to stop my from looking at all the stuff they have to offer. 


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