#6- Global Trends

Trends come and go all year long and even with streaming and the things that we watch I think that people find new thinks to watch everyday and always making something become a trend. Something that I think is trending right now just because I have seen it all over TikTok is The Bachelor. Now I don't watch The Bachelor but I know a lot of my friends watch it and are very invested in it. The Bachelor is a dating show where a number of girl all date the same man. The man then has to limit down the ladies and pick the lady that he want to be with and marry. Most people are into it because the man or The Bachelor is very handsome from what I have seen but other people are into the show because the ladies on the show are also very pretty too. Most people really loved two people on the show, Daisy and Maria. Now I only know about Maria because of TikTok. On TikTok Maria is made out to be a very confident lady and someone who know her worth and won't settle for less than that...