#7- Binge Watching

The Streaming era has changed everything about the way people view television. You no longer have to wait for new episode of your favorite show because many entrainment companies are releasing entire seasons and series of shows at once. Binge watching - the act of streaming any television episodes in one sitting - is become more and more common with all the streaming options available to consumers, including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video, among others. You can stream these services on your television or on another electronic device, such as a laptop, tablet or cell phone which make it very easy for us to watch shows anywhere and everywhere. Everyone has binged watched something in their life time. Binge watching is something so very common to do now a days and I love it. I did not get into binge watching until 2020 because of the lock down. There are a lot of good shows out there to watch whenever you are bored or just up at night and not yet tired yet. There are a l...